According to the Kasvun trendit 2021 (Growth trends 2021) report, Finnish growth companies are seeking tremendous growth in the coming years.
– There is no growth without skilled people though, reminds Kasvu Open’s Managing Director Jaana Seppälä. Application to the Kasvu Open programs, such as the Digital Health Growth Path, is open till March 17th.
Kasvun trendit 2021, (see the summary in English) published by Kasvu Open in January, strongly emphasizes people and namely their talent as the most important success factor for companies.
According to Managing Director Jaana Seppälä, the train of thought from talent to growth is simple.
– If you want to make a growth leap – by any measure – you need capital. Getting people to invest requires equity that comes from customers, i.e. sales, which requires talent. Succeeding in sales and knowing how to sell are the most important things in any business, she says.
Application to the Kasvu Open programs is now open.
– It is definitely worth applying if you believe professional sparring could help grow your company, Seppälä encourages.
Data and analytics is on the rise
The 660 companies surveyed in the Kasvun trendit 2021 report have strong confidence in their growth. The companies’ combined turnover for the most recent financial year was 417 million euro. Over the next three years, they want to increase the total by 1.6 billion euro – almost quadrupling their current turnover. The companies estimate they will create almost 9,000 new jobs in the same period. So, there’s confidence, and there’s conviction to back it up too.
The role of data and analytics in a company’s growth strategy has become ever more important. In the list of development priorities in scale-up companies, data and analytics have risen from 13th to 7th in two years.
‘In this year’s rankings, there’s been a steep rise in the significance of measurement and analytics in the support of companies’ operations and growth strategy.’
The Digital Health Growth Path is set to start too – apply by March 17th
The Kasvu Open growth path which in the past years was known as Future Health & Wellbeing has had a makeover. The new Digital Health Growth Path is expected to include companies whose business is connected to health technology, clinical research, human performance measurement, health security or increasing human wellbeing in general.
The Digital Health growth path is an excellent opportunity especially for companies that are hoping to capitalize on data in the future.
Find out more on the Kasvu Open website and apply! (in Finnish)
The results of the Kasvun trendit 2021 report and their interpretation are based on the information provided to Kasvu Open by 660 growth companies that participated in the 2020 Kasvu Open Kasvupolku® sparring program and its growth company analysis, and on the data collected by Kasvuryhmä Suomi ry from growth models of scaleup companies.