Jyväskylä Central Finland region, known for i.e. its world-class sports and health research, lands...

Japanese VR-tech startup setting their sights on Jyväskylä
In the ever-evolving world of startups, finding the right ecosystem with same-minded stakeholders...

Call for start-ups: Apply for Business Rally Investor Day!
There are eight seats available for 5+5-minute pitching with Q&A with the Jury. Jyväskylä Business...

Investing in SportsTech webinar
The session will be moderated by Juan Fuentes Fernandez, sportstech investor, FiBAN member, and...
Read more about the programme and applyThe International Venture Academy (IVA) is a programme for...
Now there are two pathways open to build international markets and partnerships in Bilbao and...
Read more about Hippos Center here
The aim of the partnership programme between Biscay and Jyväskylä is to strengthen the innovation...
One of the participant companies in the IVA program is ONIT Sport, focusing on the mental skills of...
International Venture Academy culminated in the pitching finals last Friday 9th of June. The top 2...